I am a programmer who stands out for my ability to solve complex problems, thanks to my insatiable curiosity, determination, and quick and efficient learning skills.


Services That I Provide

Data Science

I am skilled in data science, both structured and unstructured, using techniques such as data wrangling, feature engineering, and visualization. I am able to extract meaningful information from data and identify hidden patterns to support business decisions.

Machine/Deep Learning

I have learned ML and DL technologies including supervised and unsupervised algorithms, artificial neural networks, SVM, decision trees, clustering, feature selection, transfer learning, reinforcement learning, and the use of frameworks such as TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch.

Computer Vision

I have acquired in-depth knowledge in image processing techniques, including segmentation, object detection, and classification, using libraries such as OpenCV and scikit-image.

Full Stack Developer

I have acquired skills in various full-stack technologies, including HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL and Jquery. These technologies enable me to develop responsive, scalable, and secure web applications for clients and end-users.

Cloud System

I have advanced skills in developing web applications based on microservices architectures using technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes for creating, deploying, and managing containers. Additionally, I have experience using continuous integration and automated deployment tools such as Jenkins and GitLab CI/CD.

Office and Multimedia

I have acquired advanced skills in Microsoft Office, particularly Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, as well as Google Suite. I am able to create effective and professional documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.


My Recent Projects

Waste Identification and Classification

This thesis project, carried out in collaboration with TIM in Catania (Italy), presents the use of Computer Vision techniques related to Machine Learning techniques with the goal of solving a practical problem: identifying and classifying garbage from a video stream.

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2D Graphical Simulation of a Multirotor with Python and PHIDIAS

The goal of the following project is to replicate the motions of a multirotor using two-dimensional modeling, and implement the object capture strategy using PHIDIAS.

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Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) with Git, Github, Jenkins, Maven, Ansible and Docker

The goal of the project is to describe the entire CI/CD pipeline to compile and release a java application. The technologies used are: Git, a distributed version control software; Github, a hosting service for software projects; Jenkins server, a tool for Continuous Integration; Maven, a build automation tool; Ansible, a tool for automating configuration and management (provisioning) procedures; and Docker, for containerization of applications.

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Deep Reinforcement Learning in Unity

In this work, the Machine Learning Agents (ML-Agents) toolkit was used to train via Reinforcement Learning airplane agents to fly within checkpoints.

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Face Blurring based on Age Detection

The goal of the project is to realize a classification algorithm capable of recognizing one or more faces in the scene, estimating age and adopting blurring techniques with the intent of anonymizing the faces of underage individuals automatically.

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Learning on Virtual World For Occupational Safety

Realization of a binary classifier that identifies with sufficient confidence whether a person in a virtual or real photo wears a helmet. The classifier will be trained exclusively on synthetic data, gathering photos from virtual worlds. An automatic mechanism for creating scenarios with people wearing and not wearing helmets will be implemented.

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A Serious Game for people with multiple disabilities

The goal of the Bachelor's Thesis project, is to create a 3-dimensional game environment to test the cognitive abilities of people with multiple disabilities.

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College Social Network

The project consists of developing a social network within a school/university so that students, professors and researchers can exchange ideas and knowledge.

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My Education & Experience


Master’s Degree in Data Science

Università degli Studi di Catania (2020-2023) - 110/110 Cum Laude

A master's degree course in data science teaches statistical and computational techniques to analyze and make decisions from data.

Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science

Università degli Studi di Messina (2015-2020)

A bachelor's degree in computer science covers computer programming, algorithms, data structures, software engineering, and computer architecture.

High School Graduation

ITIS in Informatica, Sant'Agata di Militello (ME), Italy (2010-2015)

Diploma of chief technician computer expert.


Cloud Engineer

Par-Tec (2023 - Present)

OpenShift, Kubernetes, Docker, Podman, Ansible, Terraform, Tekton, ArgoCD, Linux, Bash

Computer Vision & Machine Learning Engineer - Internship

TIM, UNICT (12/2022 - 04/2023)

Conducting the Master's Thesis project in CV and ML.

Full Stack Dev - Internship

INPS Messina (11/2017 - 02/2018)

Creation of a WebApps for the purpose of facilitating internal operations. Tools used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, jQuery and Bootstrap.


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